art &ict against bullying and cyberbullying

Purpose of the  ART & ICT against Bullying and Cyberbullying Erasmus project is after its lifetime to have raised awareness against Bullying and Cyberbullying, throughout the school community. Participating countries are Spain (as a coordinator country), Italy and Latvia.

This project aims to raise awareness  of bullying and cyberbullying prevention  in our school community . We also want to strengthen   cooperation  with our international partners,  exchange experiences and enrich our feedback, by facing the problems from different perspectives.

Through the mobility we will be able to exchange experiences between teachers and students, and the set activities will enable us to take advantage of the work and have better results for our school and all the partners schools who are taking part in the project. 

Art against Bullying and Cyberbullying

Art  can help us express feelings and visualize our most suppressed thoughts. Art  activities encourage the exploration of bullying using creative approaches

ICT against Bullying and Cyberbullying

Ict affordances can ease bullying when misused, but can also be used for positive and  reinforcing communication.

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